What is your role on the committee?
I have recently moved roles on the Information Literacy Group and am now the HE Sector Rep and EDI rep
When did you join and why?
I joined in March 2020 (just as the whole world went into lockdown from Covid!) as one of the Training Officers. I have always had an interest and involvement in information literacy since my Masters in Librarianship having written my dissertation on Information Literacy programmes in HE. I had attended many LILAC conferences over the years and knew the importance of the work done by the committee, so I was keen to connect and be part of a group of like minded colleagues.
What do you do in your role?
In my HE Sector role, I help to feed into the conversations around information literacy and digital literacy, innovations, changes and challenges around teaching and research. Reporting on developments and updates on important and emerging issues or trends that can impact the sector such as new technologies like Gen AI or policies and funding etc. As part of my EDI role, which is a new role I hope to act as a link between the ILG group and CILIP HQ to report on developments good practice, actions within the sector and to contribute to the conversations to help us effect change.
What is your day job?
I am a Teaching and Learning Librarian at the University of Manchester where part of my main role is the content creation, development and delivery of teaching sessions to students, researchers and staff to support their information literacy and academic skills. Other areas in which I am involved in include staff development, supporting and engaging online/distance learners and developing inclusive practice and EDI principles in teaching and learning.
What are your other interests?
Main interests include listening to music, going to gigs/festivals and all manner of other arty and cultural activities! I love to cook and bake so it’s a good thing I also love walking and hiking to counteract everything I end up eating! Travelling and visiting other counties has been a lifelong passion so I am usually off somewhere or in the process of planning to be off somewhere!