New Professionals

stay in touch with us

You can contact us via our dedicated email address:
We also have a dedicated mailing list; fill out the online form to be added! 

Get involved in our Randomised Coffee Trials

Randomised Coffee Trials match two new professionals and offer them the chance to network, find support and discuss information literacy with a peer from beyond their immediate workplace or sector. We organise a new round on a roughly bi-annual basis and try to accommodate participants’ preferences for being matched with a colleague from a particular sector. Sign up to our mailing list if you’d like to be notified when the next Randomised Coffee Trial is taking place.

Listen to our podcast

Our podcast, Chatting Info Lit, is new for 2023! We talk to people who have recently joined the profession, as well as those with more experience about where they started, projects they have been involved with and information literacy within their sector. Don’t forget to check out the associated Chatting Info Lit Reading List!

Read our recent blog Posts

Picture of Lucy Dodge

Meet the Committee: Lucy Dodge

What is your role in the committee? I am a member of the Information Literacy Group’s sub-committee for New Professionals. When did you join and