Coffee Meeting

Introducing the ILG New Professionals – Bethan Morgan

Bethan Morgan

What is your role in the committee?

I am a member of the ILG New Professionals sub-committee.

When did you join and why?

I joined in September 2022, primarily to get more involved in the LIS community and meet other new professionals with an interest in Information Literacy. Teaching information literacy skills is my favourite aspect of my job, so when I saw the call-out for applicants over the summer, I thought it would be a good fit!

What do you do in your committee role?

Currently I am working on a podcast called ‘Chatting Info Lit’ with two of my sub-committee colleagues. It is a really enjoyable project to work on as I love any opportunity to be creative.

What is your day job?

I work as an Assistant Librarian for Manchester University NHS Foundation Trust. I am lucky in that it is a really varied role, as I do everything from book buying and cataloguing to marketing and social media.

A big part of my job is to support and promote research and evidence-based practice. This is through delivering training sessions on topics such as searching databases, critical appraisal, academic writing and writing for publication. I have recently designed my own workshop on reflective practice, which I am really proud of! I also carry out literature searches on behalf of healthcare staff and support systematic reviews.

What are your other interests?

I love reading (an unusual hobby for a Librarian, I know) and I am a member of a feminist book club in Manchester. While I am a reluctant exerciser, I have found a new love for hot yoga over the last few months. I also enjoy running, and I am hoping to run my first marathon this year (this may be optimistic!).

Hi! 👋

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