Dan Pullinger (website manager)
Dan is Learning Development Manager at Leeds University Library, overseeing the Skills@Library service.
He is particularly interested in information literacy in the wider context of academic skills development; blended learning; collaborations with academic staff; digital literacy; using social media for learning, teaching and research; and the development of librarians’ teaching skills.
Emma Burnett
Emma is an Information Consultant at Royal Holloway, University of London. Her role includes liaison with academic departments and teaching information literacy skills. She became involved with the website as part of her Marketing Officer role with the CILIP Information Literacy Group. Having given up the marketing role in 2016, she enjoys still being involved with the ILG as a member of the Comms Team.
Clarissa St Yves
Clarissa St Yves is an Academic Support Librarian for Psychology and Life Sciences at the University of Essex. She also plans and delivers information literacy training for undergraduates. She joined the ILG Comms Team in May 2021 as a way to stay engaged with information literacy across the sector.
Sam Gill
Sam Gill is the Liaision Librarian for Histories, Languages and Cultures at the University of Liverpool. Having worked in public, school and academic libraries, he joined the ILG Comms Team in 2023 to further his knowledge of information literacy and give something back to the library community.
Looking for information about the Information Literacy Group committee? Visit the CILIP webpage