Modern public libraries have been in existence since the Public Libraries Act 1950 and are viewed as a vital resource in each community. There has been a decrease in public funding, which has unfortunately had an effect of the number of public libraries, especially in England, and has therefore had a subsequent effect on staffing levels and the ability to deliver Information Literacy provision. In Scotland, there has been a move to become Arm’s Length Organisations from local Councils and many have become Trusts with other Culture and Sport services. However, people are still using their local library and the report “Libraries Deliver: Ambition for Public Libraries in England 2016 to 2021” states that nearly 60% of the population hold a library card. The Scottish Library and Information Council document “Ambition and Opportunity” states that over 61% of the public use libraries.
Public libraries have been viewed as vital partners in the Digital by Default government agenda that allows the public to access computer facilities they don’t have at home. Since the introduction of the People’s Network in the late 1990s, libraries have provided free internet access to the public, with library staff given training to support public library users.