Further reading

Further reading

These lists of information literacy publications are not exhaustive; they aim to give you a taste of the types of publications out there that relate to information literacy.


Information Literacy Weblog by Sheila Webber

Libraries, Information Literacy and E-Learning by Jane Secker

InformAll by Stephane Goldstein

Geoff Walton’s Information Literacy by Geoff Walton


The Journal of Information Literacy (JIL) reviews of all recently published books relating to information literacy. To find relevant book reviews, search the JIL catalogue.

The following publishers/stores specialise in information literacy-related titles:


The ACRL has published a report on Global Perspectives on Information Literacy: Fostering a Dialogue for International Understanding (2017). This includes a forward by Dr Emma Coonan.

The Department of Media, Culture and Sport and Department for Business Enterprise & Regulatory Reform. (2009) Digital Britain: Final report, Cm 7548. London: HMSO outlines the government’s plan to put Britain in the centre of the digital economy.

UNESCO have a published a report called Towards Information Literacy Indicators : Conceptual framework paper prepared by Ralph Catts and Jesus Lau. UNESCO, Paris, 2008. It provides a basic conceptual framework for measuring information literacy and is designed to serve as a reference to facilitate the elaboration of information literacy indicators.

The Research Information Network (RIN) has published the results of a study, Mind the skills gap: Information-handling training for researchers (June 2008), that reviews the extent, quality and impact of information literacy teaching for academic researchers.

Journal of Information Literacy

The Journal of Information Literacy (JIL) is the peer-reviewed, academic journal of the CILIP Information Literacy Group. It aims to investigate Information Literacy (IL) within a wide range of settings, from school, academic libraries, workplace, health and the public sector. Articles within JIL are from both internationally renowned authors and library professionals who teach or undertake research into information literacy. 

Other academic journals

Communications in Information Literacy is an independent, professional, refereed electronic journal dedicated to advancing knowledge, theory, and research in the area of information literacy. The journal is committed to the principles of information literacy as set forth by the Association of College and Research Libraries. CIL is also committed to the principles of open access for academic research.

Journal of Creative Library Practice provides an outlet for librarians and information professionals to describe and encourage greater creativity in library and information centre communications, policies, collections, instruction, and other areas of librarianship.

Nordic Journal of Information Literacy in Higher Education is a peer reviewed, open access journal.

Synergy is published by the School Library Association of Victoria (SLAV) in Australia. The journal focuses on the wider world of education and best practice in school librarianship, and includes some articles related to information literacy.


LILAC: the Information Literacy Conference:
Organised by the CILIP information literacy group. LILAC is an annual conference aimed particularly at librarians and information professionals who teach information literacy skills, are interested in digital literacies and who want to improve the information seeking and evaluation skills of all library users.

Creating Knowledge Conference: this Nordic conference takes place every 2 – 3 years.

European Conference on Information Literacy (ECIL)
ECIL is a European conference that bring together researchers, information professionals, educators, and policy makers from around the world to exchange knowledge and experience and discuss current issues, challenges, theories, and good practices.

IL IFLA Section: The primary purpose of the Information Literacy Section is to foster international cooperation in the development of information literacy education in all types of libraries and information institutions.

LOEX: Library Instruction and Information Literacy conference, which takes place annually in the US.

Western Balkans Information and Media Literacy Conference: an annual conference which takes place in Bihać, Bosnia and Herzegovina.

WILU: The Workshop for Instruction in Library Use, commonly known as WILU, is an annual Canadian conference where delegates meet to discuss timely topics related to information literacy.

Online networks

The CILIP Information Literacy Group’s JISCMail list is a lively forum for discussing matters relevant to information literacy. Sign up on JISCMail’s website. The IL-OERS Information Literacy and Open Educational Resources mailing list is for specific discussion on developing, sharing and re-using information literacy OERs.

#edchat is a weekly online discussion that anyone can join to discuss issues and best practice in many different areas of teaching and learning. It takes place every Tuesday at 17:00 GMT and you can join in by monitoring and contributing to the #edchat hashtag on Twitter.

Follow the #infolit hashtag for IL-related news, debate and discussion on Twitter. And, of course, don’t forget to follow @infolitgroup for all of our latest updates.

There are also a number of active LinkedIn groups relating to information literacy, including:

If you know of any other online networks about information literacy, let us know and we’ll add your suggestions to the list!


NHS Education for Scotland has developed an information literacy website that is primarily intended for use in a healthcare environment. It includes a definition of information literacy, a framework, scenarios, courses, and training material.

European network for Information Literacy (EnIL) aims at opening a discourse on Information Literacy at a European level, in order to promoting the establishment of a Culture of Information in Europe.

The Information Education and Information Literacy Working Group (IVIG) is a network of Czech university librarians committed to the development of the information literacy of students and the wider community.

Project Information Literacy (PIL) is a US-based nonprofit research institute that conducts ongoing scholarly studies on how early adults find and use information as they progress through, and beyond, their higher education years.

COVID-19 and Information literacy

A selective list of useful resources

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