Continuing with our series welcoming the new members of the ILG Sub-Committee for New Professionals, we’d like to introduce David Smith. The purpose of this group is to bring together new library professionals and contribute towards the work of the Information Literacy Group.
What is your role in the committee?
I am a new member of the ILG New Professionals Sub-committee, with my initial role to find amongst our community examples of new, exciting, and cross-sectional IL practices. The aim being to share them as inspiring case studies, inspiring new professionals in their developing IL practice.
When did you join and why?
I joined the committee this summer, primarily because it spoke to me as someone starting back in the library world after a 17-year hiatus; yes, technically I am a new professional with an interest in IL. I was also working on my dissertation for the MA in Library and Information Studies at UCL at the time, which looked at the application of mental health literacy for students with bipolar disorder. The project had fired a growing interest in me regarding applications of IL outside the more recognisable academic settings, and something I hoped the committee might want to address.
What is your day job?
Following the completion of my MA at UCL this September, I have started work as an Academic Support Librarian at the London College of Communication.
What are your other interests?
I had for many years worked as a business manager and an associate lecturer at the Department of Theatre and Performance at Goldsmiths, and I still hold a special obsession for the work of Samuel Beckett, who I used to teach on. My original undergraduate degree was in Fine Art, and I continue to paint, as a semi-professional hobbyist.