Headshot of Adrian Vaugha

ILG Sub-Committee for New Professionals – Introducing Adrian Vaughan

As part of our series welcoming the new members of the ILG Sub-Committee for New Professionals, we’d like to introduce Adrian Vaughan. The purpose of this group is to bring together new library professionals and contribute towards the work of the Information Literacy Group.

What is your role on the committee?

I am one of the newly appointed members of the ILG New Professionals Sub-Committee. At this early stage, specific roles, tasks and goals have yet to be decided, but for now, I am coordinating our efforts to gather ideas and resources, while exploring some practical questions, all related to our internet presence and our social media plans.

When did you join and why?

I joined this team in June 2021. I am approaching four years working in the academic library sector now, and am entering my second year studying for an MSc in Library & Information Management with Ulster University, so I qualify as a ‘new professional’. With no library experience prior to joining the team at MTU Library, I found myself having a lot to learn from day one. I couldn’t have asked for more from my new colleagues and management, but there are so many aspects of librarianship to gain a working knowledge and understanding of, and while I could source information about particular areas, I feel I, and the many others in my position, could benefit from a wider, guided introduction to the library industry. Joining this committee is of course a networking opportunity in itself for me, but in doing so, I hope to be part of a team that can work towards promoting further networking opportunities for those who follow in our footsteps.

What do you do in your role?

Right now, I am gathering as much information as possible in relation to our planned internet and digital presence, conducting research to help plan and create informative and appealing social media campaigns, aimed at reaching out to, attracting and engaging, our target audience.

What is your day job?

I work as a Library Assistant at Munster Technological University’s Bishopstown campus in Cork City, Ireland. Primarily, my role is in acquisitions, while I also deliver library induction classes for our 1st year students – those new to 3 rd level education and new to our university. I have managed projects developing both our library’s chatbot software and virtual tours, and I participate in our Library Learning Community, assisting in the development of our Open Educational Resource (OER) Information Literacy course.

What are your other interests?

My daughter, Alice, takes up most of my free time, and luckily for me, she also enjoys helping out with my next passion, converting old vans into ‘quirky’ campers. I suppose countryside travel and trad music go hand in hand. With a child, a full-time job, an MSc in progress and a sprinkling of committee work, there’s not much time left over for anything else, but that’s all good because I find it all very interesting. If an opportunity popped up though for a spot of kayaking or some Gaelic Football I’d manage to find the time.

Thanks to Adrian for his post and please get in touch with us if you’d like to find out more.

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