What is your role in the committee?

I am a new member of the ILG New Professionals Sub-committee. I am still getting settled but I am hoping to update the information in the New Professionals web page and help the rest of the committee members with anything and everything!
When did you join and why?
I joined a few weeks ago. I started my library career quite late, as I worked as a translator for quite a few years beforehand. I thought my experience might benefit those who are thinking of changing careers or anybody wondering whether it is too late to start over.
I am passionate about embedding information literacy in the Sciences. I finished my dissertation for my MA in Library and Information Studies at Aberystwyth University last year, focused on tips to help new Science librarians to embed information literacy into the curriculum.
My second passion is accessibility, and I have been advising my library colleagues and the wider University on how to implement inclusivity by design. I hope that the expertise that I’ve gained in these areas might be useful to other new professionals.
What is your day job?
I am the Information Consultant (Subject Liaison Librarian) for the School of Engineering, Physical and Mathematical Sciences at Royal Holloway, University of London. I am also the Liaison Librarian for the Doctoral School at the same institution.
What are your other interests?
Related to my previous career, I love learning languages. I speak fluent Catalan (my mother tongue), Spanish, French and Italian, passable German and I am currently studying Greek and Level 2 British Sign Language. I love travelling and try to visit my family in Barcelona at least twice a year. I am also an avid knitter and crocheter; having crafted as many items as my small cottage can take, I have started yarn bombing the garden!