Stephen Fry endorses My Libraries By Right campaign

Stephen Fry has given his support to public libraries by appearing in a new poster produced by the Chartered Institute of Library & Information Professionals (CILIP).

My Library By Right is CILIP’s campaign to stand up for your legal rights to quality library services. The campaign calls on the UK Government and Local Authorities to follow their legal responsibilities to provide you with a quality library service that meets your needs.


By statute, Local Authorities must provide “comprehensive and efficient” library services, and Government must oversee and improve libraries.

These rights are not widely understood and are being neglected in the face of economic pressures. This is putting important principles at risk, including the ability to access a quality library service wherever you live and at times to suit you.

Public libraries in England provide a lifeline for millions of people every day. They help people get online, develop their literacy and skills (including information literacy), find employment and build stronger ties across their community. We must stand up and defend our statutory right to a quality library service.

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