Free Library TeachMeet at Aberystwyth University

Ellie Downes, Graduate Library Trainee at Aberystwyth University, provides details of a free Library TeachMeet event that they will be hosting on Thursday, June 9th, 2016.

Event: Aber LibTeachMeet 2016
Venue: Medrus 1, Penglais Campus, Aberystwyth
Date: Thursday, June 9th, 11:00-15:00

Aber LibTeachMeet is coming on the 9th June, 2016!  This year’s theme is: How do libraries make you more employable?

Amongst librarians across all sectors, one of the most rapidly changing and increasingly important elements of our work is “employability”.

We’re hoping to bring together librarians from different sectors to discuss and share experiences of how your work contributes to someone’s employability, and a chance to find out and exchange viewpoints on work-ready skills.

So come along to our LibTeachMeet in Medrus 1, Penglais Campus, Aberystwyth University on Thursday, June 9th, 2016, and share your experiences of contributing to employability. This event is being sponsored by the CILIP Information Literacy Group and is free to attend.

Book your place now at the Aber LibTeachMeet

What is a Library TeachMeet?

Find out how to apply for CILIP IL Group sponsorship of your information literacy event (.doc)

Bydd ‘LibTeachMeet’ yn dod yma ar 9 Mehefin 2016! Y thema eleni yw: Sut mae llyfrgelloedd yn eich helpu yn y farchnad swyddi?

Ymhlith llyfrgellwyr ym mhob sector, un o’r elfennau mwyaf cyfnewidiol o’n gwaith, ac un sy’n dod yn fwyfwy pwysig, yw Cyflogadwyedd.

Rydym yn gobeithio dod â llyfrgellwyr at ei gilydd o wahanol sectorau i drafod a rhannu eu profiadau ynghylch sut mae’ch gwaith yn cyfrannu at gyflogadwyedd pobl, a bydd cyfle i ddysgu a chyfnewid safbwyntiau ar sgiliau’r gweithle.

Felly dewch draw i’n ‘LibTeachMeet’ ym Medrus 1, Campws Penglais Aberystwyth ddydd Iau 9 Mehefin 2016, a rhannu’ch profiadau o gyfrannu at gyflogadwyedd.


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