Meet the IL Group Committee: Geoff Walton

Geoff Walton

What is your role on the committee?
I am Library & Information Schools Representative.

When did you join and why?
Can’t remember when I joined. Research (some of it mine) clearly demonstrates that information literacy is a cornerstone of lifelong learning and engaged citizenship. It is for all, not just for students, and for all time, not just university. I am deeply wedded to, and passionate about, bringing this message to all outside the HE sector.

What do you do in your committee role?
I’m currently attempting to build a network of key informants from iSchools and Library Schools. I chair ILG’s Research Bursary panel which involves inviting independent panelists to assess bids. I also devise and develop the documentation, assessment criteria and advertising content. I am research mentor for the ILG Research Bursary project Go Digital Newcastle. I’m also involved in judging our new Information Literacy award offered via TeenTech. I advise the chair on funding opportunities from the UK and Europe.

What is your day job?
I’m Senior Lecturer in Information Sciences at Northumbria University.  I recently secured British Academy/ Leverhulme Trust funding (with Ali Packard). My current research projects include the EU AMORES project #amoresproject  (Discovering a love for literature through digital collaboration and creativity) , visual metaphor in information literacy (the Fishscale of academicness), ASKapp time-management and information literacy smartphone application and information literacy and self-efficacy. I am currently principle supervisor for PhD research projects on information literacy in Vietnam, volunteering in libraries, qualitative big data and the user experience in mobile design. My teaching includes, New Media Marketing, Hypertext for the Information Professional, Knowledge Management, Texts and Contexts in Public Relations, Learning Support and User Needs Analysis and Cataloguing and Classification.

My research interests include developing online peer assessment, investigating the role of information literacy in lifelong learning and the experience of non-traditional undergraduates. Developing areas include ‘digital persona: online-self and others’, digital literacy, social enterprise and webometrics/analytics.

 What are your other interests?
I occasionally feed my daughters’ rabbit, guinea pig and cats. I like playing music. In a previous life I had very long hair and played guitar, bouzouki and bodhran in folk bands, Boneshaker, Greensward, Cut-Throat Jake, Full Circle, the Canal Siders and electric guitar and bouzouki in the rock band Heymaker. As a musician I appeared on Saturday Superstore, Woman’s Hour, Folk on 2, Stoke in Bloom (documentary) and the World Service.

Hi! 👋

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