“Librarians developing digital literacies” event – book now!

Event: Librarians developing digital literacies
Venue: Hadyn Ellis Building, Cardiff University, Cathays Park, Cardiff. CF24 4HQ.
Date: Friday, July 17th, 2015, 10:00-16:00

A free event (refreshments and lunch provided) kindly sponsored by CILIP Cymru Wales and the CILIP Information Literacy Group.

We are pleased to invite you to attend this exciting event organised by librarians from Wales Higher Education Libraries Forum (WHELF) and the Great Western 4 libraries. This will be an ideal opportunity to share ideas and expertise with colleagues from across Wales, the South West and further afield on the theme of developing digital literacies.

The purpose of the event is to create an opportunity for librarians to learn from each other about approaches to developing staff and student digital literacies. This is an area where many libraries and librarians are still thinking through, and coming to terms with, varied terminology, ambiguous concepts and challenging logistical issues. The intention is to not load the day too heavily with theoretical debate but to focus on identifying and sharing workable solutions. No doubt questions will arise throughout concerning different interpretations and understandings of skills, literacies, capabilities, competencies and proficiencies, but hopefully common ground will emerge through considering the kinds of digital practices people perform. The aim is for people to go away with a least one idea they feel they can try out in their own institution.

If you are interested in contributing to the TeachMeet session (this could be on any aspect of technology use for either staff development within the library or provided for students and academic staff), please contact Joe Nicholls (NichollsJA@Cardiff.ac.uk, Tel: 02920870266) for more details.

We hope you can join us for what promises to be an informative and enjoyable day. You can book your place by registering through the Librarians developing digital literacies booking page. Alternatively, contact Joe Nicholls.

Places are limited and will be allocated on a ‘first come,  first served’ basis.

The venue for the event is the Hadyn Ellis Building, Cardiff University, Cathays Park, Cardiff. CF24 4HQ. Map

Please note that there is no public parking available near the venue.

Event programme

The programme for the day includes a number of invited speakers, who are librarians with direct experience of working to develop library services specifically to enable the development of staff and student digital literacies.

9.30 am – Registration
10.00 – Preliminaries
10.05 – Welcome. Janet Peters, Director of Libraries and University Librarian at Cardiff University
10.20 – Activity: Digital visitor or resident?
10.30 – ‘Digital literacies and libraries – setting the scene’ – Lis Parcell, Jisc Subject Specialist: Libraries and Digital Resources
11.00 – ‘Developing Œdigital confidence in library staff’ (provisional title). Nicole Hinton, Assistant Director, Workforce Planning and Development, National Library of Australia
11.30 – Coffee/Tea – Networking
12.00 – TeachMeet session
13.00 pm – Lunch – Networking
13.45 – ‘Librarian heal thyself – building staff digital literacy training from scratch: The Newcastle approach.’ Aimee Cook, Assistant Liaison Librarian with the Humanities, Arts and Social Sciences Team at Newcastle University
14.15 – Activity: Idea generation and exploration
14.45 – ‘Digital literacy for distance learners: the OU story’. Katherine Reedy, Digital and Information Literacy Specialist at Open University Library Services
15.15 – ‘Looking to the future: The librarian’s role in developing digital literacies’. Joe Nicholls, Principal Consultant: Digital Enablement in the Library Service at Cardiff University
15.45 – Wrap up
16.00 – Close.

If you have any queries about the day, please contact Joe Nicholls (NichollsJA@Cardiff.ac.uk, Tel: 02920870266).

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