This year’s Librarians’ Information Literacy Annual Conference (LILAC 2014) took place at Sheffield Hallam University on April 23rd-25th, and was a tremendous success. On the 10th anniversary of the conference, delegates from across the world met to share new ideas and innovative teaching techniques, listen to inspiring speakers and of course enjoy the now legendary social events!
The presentations from the keynote speakers and parallel sessions are now available online on the conference website. You can also browse through presentations from previous years.
There were also many prolific tweeters at the conference – take a look at #lilac2014 on Twitter. An archive of tweets from the conference is also available.
Sheila Webber has also helpfully collated some conference reports and blog posts on her Information Literacy Weblog.
Congratulations and thanks to the LILAC Committee for all their hard work in putting together another hugely successful conference. Not that they will be able to rest on their laurels for long…
It was announced at the Conference Dinner that the hosts of next year’s LILAC will be Newcastle University. The conference is scheduled for 8th-10th April 2015. More details will be released on the LILAC website in due course. You can also follow @LILAC_Conf on Twitter.