The Winter issue 2010 of the Journal of Information Literacy has been published. Please see the Table of Contents below, the articles are available in full text at:
Editorial: Looking at the evidence: reflections on the need for, and impact of, Information Literacy Education (ILE) by Susie Andretta. pp. 1-5
The awareness and use of electronic information sources among livestock researchers in Tanzania by Consolata Angello. pp. 6-22
Why would they try: motivation and motivating in low-stakes information skills testing by Jeanne M. Brown, Carrie Gaxiola. pp. 23-36
The citation behaviour of Civil Engineering students by Elizabeth Gadd, Andrew Baldwin, Michael Norris. p. 37-49
Articles from LILAC
They can find it but they don’t know what to do with it: describing the use of scholarly literature by undergraduate students by Stephanie Rosenblatt. pp. 50-61
Using faculty focus groups to assess information literacy core competencies at a university level by Jodi Tyron, Emily Elizabeth Frigo, Mary Kathleen O’Kelly. pp. 62-77
Crossing the Rubricon: evaluating the Information Literacy instructor by Ned Fielden, Mira Foster. pp. 78-90
Student views
The role of Information Literacy in the provision of virtual reference services at the enquiry desk by Daniel Beck. pp. 91-94
Book reviews
Book review of Mackey, T.P. and Jacobson, T.E. 2010. Collaborative information literacy assessments: strategies for evaluating teaching and learning. London: Facet by Fiona Bell. pp. 95-96
Book review of Burkhardt, J.M. and MacDonald, M.C. with Rathemacher, A.J. 2010. Teaching information literacy: 50 standards-based exercises for college students. 2nd edition. Chicago: ALA Editions by Nicola Ellen Perry. pp. 97-98
Book review of Healey, M. and Jenkins, A. 2009. Developing undergraduate research and inquiry. York: The Higher Education Academy by Chris Bradford. pp. 99-100
Book Review of Lloyd, A. 2010. Information literacy landscapes: information literacy in education, workplace and everyday contexts. Oxford: Chandos by Christopher Guy Walker. pp. 101-102
Book review of Walsh, T.S., and Wright, M. 2010. Information Literacy in the Digital Age: an evidence based approach. Cambridge: Chandos by Jane Secker. pp. 103-104
Book review of Secker, J. 2010. Copyright and e-learning: a guide for practitioners. London: Facet by Annette Tracy Earl. p. 105