
Call for schools to take part in evaluation of the TeenTech/ILG schools resource

The CILIP Information Literacy Group (ILG) is undertaking a light-touch review of the school support resource which it developed jointly with TeenTech early last year. ILG is looking for assistance in identifying half a dozen schools that would be the subject of the review. Would any schools like to take part?

For information, the resource takes the form of ten attractively-produced leaflets, all available freely as pdf documents under a Creative Commons licence, which provide useful advice on information literacy and associated research skills, tailored particularly to school students from GCSE level upwards. Anecdotal feedback about the resources has generally been positive, but ILG would like a more formal view on the usefulness and applicability of the leaflets. The review will therefore consist of 30-40 minute interviews, in each of the schools, if possible with the librarian and a couple of relevant teachers; and of a very short and simple survey destined to a selection of students.

If you are a school librarian, or a teacher, or if you know a school that might form one of the cases, please get in touch with Stéphane Goldstein at Stéphane is happy to answer any enquiries, so don’t hesitate to contact him.

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