The LILAC Committee currently have two exciting opportunities to join their conference organising team. They are looking for motivated and enthusiastic individuals to recruit into the roles of Venue Coordinator and Sponsorship Development Manager.
With this in mind, committee member Jess Haigh has kindly given us an insight into her experiences on the LILAC team.

I have been part of the LILAC Conference Committee since 2017, firstly as Sponsorship Officer, then Venue Coordinator, now as Programme Support Officer. Here’s my Top Five Best Things About Being On The Committee:
1. Networking opportunities: not only do I work with some absolutely smashing people on the committee itself, I also meet new people every year from the different venues. This has led to some valuable professional contacts, and I’ve also made a lot of friends! I also have formed valuable professional links with some people very high up in the world of libraries, who have acted as mentors, which I would never have otherwise got to do.
2. Travel and adventure: expenses for travel and accommodation are provided for the committee during the conference. I’ve got to explore Nottingham, Liverpool, Swansea, Manchester, and Cambridge. And as Venue Coordinator I got to help with the selection of where the social events of the conference were held, meaning getting to have lots of food tastings. If you love party planning, LILAC throws a great party!
3. First dibs on which sessions to attend: LILAC Committee members get a free full conference place. And you get to chair sessions, meaning you get the first choice of what sessions to attend (although you do have to keep them to time!). So, all those workshops you might have otherwise missed out on you can be first in the queue!
4. Helping shift the conversation in Information Literacy: the conference often poses questions to the wider professional community as well as offering answers. What voices, experiences or practices should the profession be talking about? Be part of shaping the discourse within one of the biggest platforms in librarianship.
5. Transferable skills: wanting to evidence that you’ve managed multi-strand projects on time and to budget? Communicated with both Library Directors, corporate reps and everyone in between effectively? Worked as part of a remote team with tight deadlines and used problem solving and critical thinking to create real moments of change? LILAC Committee work does that.
LILAC is a successful conference attracting delegates from around the world, and our committee work hard each year to deliver an excellent experience for all those attending. Joining the committee is an opportunity to work with a great team, develop new skills and improve your own professional networks across the profession. All roles on the LILAC committee are volunteer roles. We particularly welcome applications from under-represented communities and sectors. The full description and person specification for both roles are available on the LILAC website.
If you would like an informal chat or have any questions about either role, please get in touch with the LILAC chair, Claire Packham:
To apply please send your curriculum vitae, a personal statement detailing your experience and how you meet the requirements (750 words max), and a statement of support from your line manager to Claire Packham:
The closing date for applications is Sunday 11th June 2023.