LILAC: The Information Literacy Conference

Share your LILAC Stories and reflections

LILAC: The Information Literacy Conference will be 20 years old in 2025. Although informally we are aware of the impact of the conference on individuals, we want to tell the story of how this conference and the community it represents has affected change, both on an individual and institutional level.

We want to collate stories of what people learn or experience at LILAC, and how that changes their working practices, so that we can demonstrate the value of the conference to employers to support future applications for attendance. We would like to hear from anyone that has personal experience of attending LILAC, either as a delegate, volunteer, committee member or presenter, or have experienced the conference remotely through engagement with social media, the conference abstracts or slide repository or reporting, and for that experience to have made an impact on their work.

You can contribute to this in a variety of ways:
-Send us your long-form reflections, which we can then code and use towards analysis of
the themes
-Volunteer to be interviewed, with the possibility of these interviews being recorded
-Contribute your stories, photos, autoethnographies, notes, diaries, work reports by emailing these to Please only send unpublished or grey literature – published conference reports will be collected through a literature review

You can share your reflections, and let us know if you would like to be interviewed, via our online form. Please only include personal details, such as your name or workplace, if you are happy for that information to be shared with the LILAC community and within the research reports and data.

More information about the ethics and data storage for this project can be found on the LILAC
website. For more information about this research, please email the principal investigator Jess

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