Publishing on Information Literacy: A Conversation with LIS Journal Editors – 4th June 2024

In this 75-minute synchronous online panel with editors of information literacy-related publications, the presenters aim to make visible editors’ processes and expectations when reviewing submitted manuscripts. By making  the publishing process more transparent, this event is intended to lower the barrier for colleagues who are interested in learning more about publishing in journals and ultimately to help increase the diversity of voices and perspectives published related to information literacy. The panelists will discuss possible considerations when deciding where to submit a manuscript, such as journal scope, open access, and various approaches to manuscript review. All registrants will receive a link to the event recording. To register for this event, please use this link:


Amanda Nichols Hess, College & Research Libraries News

Kristen Totleben, College & Research Libraries

Allison Hosier, Communications in Information Literacy

Jacqulyn Williams, Communications in Information Literacy

Alison Hicks, Journal of Information Literacy

Michelle Kraft, Journal of the Medical Library Association

Ellysa Stern Cahoy, portal: Libraries and the Academy

To be held on Tuesday 4th June 2024.

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