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Meet the ILG Committee: Anne-Lise Harding, Government representative and Deputy Chair

Anne-Lise Harding
Anne-Lise Harding,

What is your role on the committee?

I am the Government representative, providing liaison for ILG and GIG. I have also recently stepped up to fill the position of Deputy Chair for the Information Literacy Group until March 2022.

When did you join and why?

I joined the committee in December 2015, as FE Representative.

I had worked in the education sector since the start of my non-library then library career and developed my interest for Information Literacy there. After working in secondary school, I got the role of Learning Resources Manager in a large Further and Higher Education college and I wanted to step up my knowledge as well as contribute to the field. When I saw the role being advertised, I was a bit daunted but I didn’t hesitate and I’m glad I applied! Through my MA studies (MA Librarianship at Sheffield University), I already knew some of the committee members and I’m forever glad I get to work with amazing professionals and am able to contribute in my own way.

In 2020, I moved sector to work at the House of Commons Library and filled in the vacant position of Government representative.

What do you do in your committee role?

This role feels like an extension of my day job as Senior Liaison Librarian. As well as contributing to the work of ILG; I also sit on the Government Information Group as the link representative and to inform both groups of development in the sector and highlight opportunities for collaboration.

In my newer role as Deputy Chair, I hope to get more involved in the work of the group and supporting other committee members in their role.

What is your day job?

I am Senior Liaison Librarian at the House of Commons. I’ve held this position since January 2020 and despite having been in the role almost 2 years; I still feel very new. It’s a job I enjoy immensely as I am trusted and valued by my library and select committee colleagues. If you would like to read about what I do, I have charted my Information Literacy programme in a series of posts for the blog (part 1, part 2, part 3 and part 4).

What are your interests outside of work?

When I’m not working, I enjoy video games, DIY, baking and crafts. I recently started going back to swimming which I truly enjoy and brings back happy memories of my childhood. It’s now my turn to take my daughter every Sunday.

Hi! 👋

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