Meet the IL Group Committee: Jacqueline Geekie

What is your role on the committee?

I am the Public Library Representative.

When did you join and why?

I joined in December 2014 so I am very new to the role. I joined because I have always had an interest in Information Literacy and I am lucky enough that it is now the main part of my job. It is quite rare to have an Information Literacy Librarian in Public Libraries and it was a great opportunity to have national input to my area of work.

What do you do in your committee role?

My role is to provide information on developments within public libraries in relation to information literacy and also to bring that perspective to discussions. I have only been to one meeting so far but I am sure my role will develop the longer I am on the committee. A couple of tasks I have been given so far have been to revamp the public library information on the Information Literacy Group website and promote the work of the ILG to my colleagues and sector.

What is your day job?

My role as Information literacy and learning librarian allows me to work with Primary and Secondary school pupils, the general public to provide sessions and also plan and develop strategies for Aberdeenshire Libraries for Information Literacy.

A large part of my job at the moment is supporting the Digital participation agenda. I am the Digital Participation Champion for Aberdeenshire Libraries. This involves attending Digital Champion meetings with the other 32 authorities, as well as collating and cascading information on digital participation. I also attend and participate in local Welfare Reform Committees on behalf of the library service. I have been tasked with the library response to Welfare Reform. The Government agenda of Digital by Default requires those in receipt of a benefit to access their account online and keep their information up to date. This will have a significant effect on libraries and the numbers looking for ICT tuition and access as it won’t just be job seekers but anyone in receipt of a benefit which will come under the banner of Universal Credit who will need to have access to ICT facilities.

What are your other interests?

I am a ski mum! My son is a ski racer and this involves lots of land based (gym work), artificial slope and on snow training which in turn means lots of taxi driving. In return I get to go to some of the most lovely ski locations in the world to try and soak up a little sun and explore. My other interests, as well as the obvious reading, are to go to the cinema and theatre.


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