There’s still time to make a nomination for this year’s Credo Reference Digital Award for Information Literacy, but the deadline is fast approaching!
The award, established in 2008 and sponsored by Credo Reference, rewards an innovative/high impact digital Information Literacy resource developed by a UK-based individual or group. The winner will receive £500 for personal use and £500 for their nominated charity. The closing date for applications is Friday, February 27th, 2015.
The range of nominated resources in past years has been very broad – apps, OERs, videos, online courses and tutorials, hubs and portals, podcasts, etc.
Help us by nominating the colleagues and resources you feel deserve recognition (self nomination is possible too!).
The shortlisted resources will be listed on the LILAC 2015 website in early March. The winners will be announced at the LILAC 2015 conference dinner in Newcastle on Thursday, April 9th, 2015.
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