Coffee Meeting

Meet the IL Group Committee: Dan Pullinger

What is your role on the committee?

I’m the Website Manager for the CILIP Information Literacy Group.

When did you join and why?

Dan Pullinger, Website Manager

I joined the committee in this role in June 2013. Helping students to develop their information literacy skills has been an important part of my professional life over the last ten years, and my current role means I have a particular interest in information literacy in the wider context of academic skills development.

As a regular attendee at the Librarians’ Information Literacy Annual Conference (LILAC), I was well aware of the CILIP IL Group’s work and the great contribution they were making in supporting and developing IL initiatives, and I was keen to play my part!

Getting involved with the committee has also given me the opportunity to work with some inspiring and dedicated colleagues from across a range of different sectors. I’ve also developed lots of really useful new skills through my committee work.

What do you do in your committee role?

I oversee the work of the Website Editorial Team, a sub-group of the IL Group Committee. This includes managing the development of the content, structure and look and feel of the Information Literacy website, and ensuring it appropriately supports the work and initiatives of the CILIP IL Group. Day-to-day tasks include operational planning, putting together rotas, proofreading and uploading blog entries, answering email enquiries, and seeking out volunteers to provide content and case studies for the site! I also organise regular meetings of the Editorial Team.

What is your day job?

I’m a Library Learning Services Team Leader at the University of Leeds, and manage our Skills@Library service. We provide the University with a centre of expertise on academic and information literacy skills development in order to i) support the needs of undergraduate and taught postgraduate students, and ii) help academic staff to enhance their learning and teaching activity.

What are your other interests?

I play 7-a-side football and swim every week, and have recently started attending a martial arts class with my two young sons. I enjoy reading (of course!), but also spend far too much time watching television… I’m also a long-suffering Blackburn Rovers season ticket holder.

Hi! 👋

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