The CILIP Information Literacy Group has formally endorsed the InformAll criteria to support development of information and data literacy teaching resources.
The criteria, which are available in full and abbreviated versions, are aimed primarily at academic librarians but are useful for anyone developing teaching resources. They focus on relevance, learning outcomes and which aspects of information literacy are included in a resource.
The criteria can also act as a prompt for teachers to engage in discussion with learners about the resources they use in teaching sessions.
The CILIP IL Group will continue to work closely with InformAll to support librarians and information professionals in promoting the use of information literacy in different contexts and within different sectors.
CILIP is the Chartered Institute for Librarians and Information Professionals, the professional body and advocacy organisation for information, library and knowledge practitioners –
The CILIP Information Literacy (IL) Group works within CILIP and encourages debate and the exchange of knowledge in all aspects of Information Literacy –
InformAll is a collaborative, multi-agency network aimed at promoting the relevance, importance and benefits of information literacy –