In case you missed it, a very interesting post was published on the CILIP website yesterday, about how copyright and information literacy overlap. It was written by the Information Literacy Group’s Chair, Dr Jane Secker, and Chris Morrison from the University of Kent. It has already received lots of buzz on Twitter!
Jane comments: “It always surprises me that more librarians who teach information literacy are not involved in copyright education and in fact seem to be almost fearful of the subject.”
To help overcome this, Jane and Chris have developed Copyright the Card Game. It’s freely available on Jorum. The Information Literacy Group are planning an IL and games event in November, which will provide a chance to try it out with other information professionals.
I’d like to finish with a quote from Chris : “Understanding copyright in the context of digital literacy allows people to develop their explicit comprehension of access to information and knowledge with reference to wider political, economic and philosophical contexts.”