CILIP Bursary place: Umbrella 2013

The CILIP Information Literacy Group is delighted to announce a sponsored place for the CILIP Umbrella Conference, (Hash tag: #UB13) taking place at Manchester University on 2-3 July 2013.

CILIP is providing a bursary place for a CILIP IL Group member consisting of a complimentary place on both days of the conference, as well as one nights’ accommodation at George Kenyon Hall on Tuesday 2 July and attendance to the drinks reception at The Museum of Science and Industry (MOSI). The CILIP IL Group is supplementing this place with an extra nights accommodation (if required), a conference dinner ticket and up to £150 to help with travel costs. (receipts will be required) Please note, only members of the CILIP IL Group are entitled to apply.

Candidates will need to write a 400-800 word personal statement expressing why they wish to attend.

Guidelines for writing your personal statement:

When considering the following criteria, bear in mind that points 3-5 are particularly important.

  1. Your personal statement should be 400-800 words
  2. Your application should be clearly presented and a formal expression of why you wish to attend the conference.
  3. You should reflect on what you think will be the specific benefits/knowledge that you hope to gain from attending the conference.
  4. You should reflect on what you think you will learn and how this new knowledge will help with your professional information literacy development or how you intend to use your conference experience on returning to your home institution (e.g. how it will link back to your role.)
  5. Have you shown your commitment to information literacy?
  6. Explain why you need funding and/or your institution cannot pay for you to attend the conference?
  7. Understand that as part of the funding conditions you will need to promote the sponsorship of the group and produce a report for the Information Literacy Group within two months of the event. This will be published on the Information Literacy Group website and may also be submitted to the Journal of Information Literacy if appropriate.

The closing date for statements will be Wednesday 17th April (5pm) and the successful applicant will be informed by Monday 22nd April. (We need to make sure the successful applicant has booked their place by 26th April.)

Please note that throughout the year the IL Group offers sponsorship of up to £400 for individuals whose organisations are not in a position to pay for attendance at information literacy events, e.g. training days, conferences.


Lisa and Emily

CILIP IL Group Training Officers.

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