Call for papers: Innovation, Inspiration and Creativity Conference (i2c2) 2017

The call for papers for the Innovation, Inspiration and Creativity Conference (i2c2) 2017 is open!

The next i2c2, to be held in Scarborough, North Yorkshire in November 2017, will be a three-day conference of inspiring each other to innovate and be more creative in our libraries. The conference promises talks, workshops, fun and games galore. Delegates will be encouraged to talk to each other about successes and challenges, think about how they can use what they learn from one another to improve libraries.

The organisers are calling on people who can contribute their experiences and knowledge to the conference. The overall theme of the conference is Innovation, Inspiration and Creativity, with a sub-theme of “making, playing, co-creating”. This covers library and information work in any sector and anywhere in the world, along with associated professions.

Calls are open for posters (possibly with a prize for best poster!), lightning talks (5 minutes), a small number of short presentations (20 minutes) and interactive workshops (1 hour). The conference organisers are also open to creative suggestions or alternatives. Most conference slots are expected to be workshop based with a high degree of attendee involvement – long PowerPoint slideshows are to be avoided!

There are discounted places available for anyone accepted to run a workshop (1 per workshop), with a special link being sent out to any workshop proposals accepted.

Call closes May 2017 for full workshops, short presentations and “alternative” slots. Call closes early October 2017 for posters and lightning talks.

You can see some of the results of the last i2c2 in the conference book, ‘Inspiring, Innovative and Creative Library Interventions: An i2c2 Compendium’.

Good luck with your application!

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