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Writing a presentation proposal for LILAC 2023

What information literacy activity have you been doing that the community would be interested to hear about? 

How have you innovated in your information literacy teaching practice where you are? 

How have you collaborated with others to deliver information literacy content? 

These are just some questions that you could reflect upon as you think about writing a conference presentation proposal for LILAC 2023. You then have a variety of ways to communicate what you have been doing/thinking with your community. This year there’s a wider choice of options as posters and Teachmeets make a welcome return to the conference. 

Of course, you may think of an alternative format, and we would be happy to discuss this with you. You can drop us a line at  

This year we really want to hear some new voices and so do get in touch with us if you have questions or simply want to chat through your ideas. 

It is helpful to look at previous presentations by visiting the LILAC Archive, where you can also find previous conference programmes which include examples of abstracts. 

You may also find it useful to understand what the proposal reviewers are looking for: as well as originality they want to see what you are presenting – are you describing something or analysing something? How have you found out what you are presenting? And finally, what can delegates take away from what you are presenting? Try writing your proposal up as an abstract and ask colleagues to give you some feedback before finalizing the content of your draft.  Once you have written your proposal submitting is easy. Register on the LILAC website and then submit your proposal online. The call for presentations will remain open until 16 November 2022 (17:00 GMT). 

LILAC 2023 will take place from 19-21 April 2023 at the University of Cambridge.

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