Winner of the ILG bursary for CILIP Conference 2016

Congratulations to Lisa Hutchins, winner of the IL Group bursary place for the CILIP Conference 2016!

Lisa says: “I am incredibly grateful to be able to attend the CILIP Conference 2016, something that would not have been possible without the assistance of the ILG. As a special librarian working for a wildlife charity I am chiefly concerned with workplace IL, and the information management strand of the conference will be invaluable to me, offering plenty of practical knowledge that I will be able to put immediately to use. It is also an excellent professional development opportunity that I hope to be able to make full use of.”

For everyone else, there is still time to take advantage of the Early Bird discount until Friday 29 April. The CILIP Conference takes place in Brighton from 12-13 July and will be one of the largest gatherings of library and information professionals in the UK. As well as a chance to network and discuss the latest developments in the sector, it is a great opportunity to refresh your CPD, update your skills and discover innovative products and services.

This year’s programme is the most exciting and ambitious yet. The leading international keynotes will look at the important role that libraries play in times of crisis, the social and economic value of data and information and the power of the written word to promote health and wellbeing. Our speaker programme is designed to deliver real, practical insights that you can apply in your own work, whichever part of the sector you work in and whatever your level of experience.

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