
IL TeachMeet at Royal Holloway – bookings now open

The Academic Liaison team at Royal Holloway, University of London are hosting a free Library TeachMeet on the theme of “Information literacy online” on Thursday 19th July 2018 at their new Library & Student Services Centre.

The theme of “Information literacy online” has been chosen because of the increasing student expectation of a 24/7 service that fits around their study and work commitments, as well as for those who are distance learners or studying a course that is not based at the main University site. Furthermore, students are often taught IL skills in a one-shot class and online provision is needed to provide materials at the students’ point of need, “whenever, wherever”.  The organisers’ aim is that attendees will take away practical examples that they can use in their own institutions.

Royal Holloway is located in Egham, which is only a 40 minute train journey from London Waterloo or Reading. Their new Library and Student Services Centre, the Emily Wilding Davison Building, opened in September 2017. In addition to the TeachMeet, attendees will be able to take a tour of the new library and ask their friendly librarians any questions they may have about the building and their move.

The draft programme for the afternoon is:

1.00 – 1.30          Registration, refreshments and networking

1.30 – 1.40          Welcome and Introduction

1.40 – 2.20          Presentations

2.20 – 2.30          Discussion

2.30 – 3.15          Refreshments, networking, and tour of the Davison Building

3.15 – 3.55          Presentations

3.55 – 4.05          Discussion

4.05 – 4.15          Close

The TeachMeet is open to all and attendees can register as speakers (5 or 10 minute slots available) or audience members.

Find out more information or book now for the event

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