Research Impact Value and LIS (RIVAL) #lis_rival

All interested in library and information science (LIS) research are invited to register free of charge for a community event on the theme of LIS research impact and value to held at Edinburgh Napier University on Wednesday 11th July 2018.

Entitled Research Impact Value and LIS (RIVAL), this event will bring together members of three main groups – creators, users, and end-user beneficiaries of LIS research output – to explore concepts and examples of the impact and value of LIS research to services delivery in practice. The format of the day will encourage the strengthening of links between these interacting communities, narrow gaps between LIS research and practice, and lay the ground for future research-related support and collaborations across the sector.

All are welcome to join the conversation: users of library and information services; library and information professionals; academic researchers; practitioner-researchers; and others with a stake in the future of LIS research, such as officials of the LIS professional and funding bodies. We are particularly keen to attract to the event those who work at the frontline of library and information services delivery, whether or not they are research-active or currently use the research outputs of others in their work.

Our confirmed speakers, and the themes of their talks, cut across all LIS contexts, with presentations on the impact and value of LIS research from individuals with experience of public, academic, special and national libraries, both as service providers and as users.

There will also be contributions on the impact and value of past investments at national level to support LIS research in the UK – notably the Library and Information Science Research Coalition (2009-2012) and the Developing Research Excellence and Methods (DREaM) project (2011-2012) – and new proposed initiatives to provide the necessary infrastructure for future support in the field.


Time Activity
10:00-10:30 Registration/coffee
10:30-10:45 Welcome and introductions

Bruce Ryan and Hazel Hall

10:45-11:30 Conceptualisations of LIS research impact and value: learning from the LIS Research Coalition and DREaM

Hazel Hall



Impact and value in practice

Paul Gooding will speak about the AHRC-funded project Digital library futures: the impact of e-legal deposit in the academic sector

Yvonne Morris will introduce a programme under development, and sponsored by, the Chartered Institute of Library and Information Professionals (CILIP) to create a sector-wide research/evidence-based portal to support LIS practice, research and advocacy in the UK

Maria Grant will outline her doctoral research on professional academic writing skills acquisition, with particular reference to the value of Social Network Analysis as a tool of analysis in such work

Stella Wisdom will discuss the British Library’s role in digital research collaborations on innovative game making/playing, and digital publishing

12:30-13:30 Lunch break and networking, to include the determination of the group discussion agenda (see below)
13:30-14:15 Exploring the impact value of UK public libraries through the analysis of longitudinal focus group data

Leo Appleton

14:15:14:45 Contributing to LIS research: a library user’s perspective

Doug Clark

14:45-15:15 Tea
15:15-16:00 Group discussion

The identification of dominant themes that emerge from the presentation and discussions over the course of the day will determine the issues to be covered in the group discussion

16:00-16:45 Exploring the impact and promoting the value of LIS research in the UK: what next?

Alison Brettle

16:45 Close

Registration for this event is available free of charge (to include all refreshments) on EventBrite at Early registration is advised due to the limit on places.

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