The latest issue of the Journal of Information Literacy, the international, peer-reviewed, open access journal of the CILIP Information Literacy Group, has just been published.
As ever, it includes the latest in IL research, including a study on health literacy and two articles focusing on specific HE subject areas – Business and Education, and Nursing and Teaching Education. Also included are conference reports on CILIP Conference 2016 and the European Conference on Information Literacy 2016, plus a range of excellent book reviews.
The full contents of volume 10, issue 2 are listed below:
School libraries, political information and information literacy provision: findings from a Scottish study Lauren Nicol Smith
Health literacy: a cross-disciplinary study in American undergraduate college students Rachel Joseph, Samantha Fernandes, Lauri Hyers, Kerri O’Brien
Flipping the classroom in Business and Education one-shots: a research study Madeline E. Cohen, Jennifer Poggiali, Alison Lehner-Quam, Robin Wright, Rebecca K. West
An assessment of library instruction: its influence on search behaviour of first and third-year students Torunn Skofsrud Boger, Hanne Dybvik, Anne-Lise Eng, Else Helene Norheim
Rethinking the concept of ‘Information Literacy’: a German perspective Rares Piloiu
Conference Corner
CILIP Conference 2016: We’re all in this together Lisa Hutchins
ECIL 2016: Information literacy in the inclusive society Kirsten McCormick
McNicol, S. 2016. Critical literacy for information professionals. Claire Elizabeth Sewell
Downey, A. 2016. Critical information literacy: Foundations, inspiration, and ideas. Cindy Gruwell
Allan, B. Emerging strategies for supporting student learning. A practical guide for librarians and educators. Marta Cassaro
Secker, J. and Morrison, C. (eds). (2016). Copyright and E-learning: a guide for practitioners. 2nd ed. Andrew Eynon