Coffee Meeting

Meet the ILG Committee: Andy Lacey, Public Library Representative

Andy Lacey

What is your role on the committee?

I am the public library representative.

When did you join and why?

After finishing the LIS program at UCL, I was keen to continue exploring how information literacy happens in the everyday context. Information literacy in the HE sector is widely explored, but there is little literature which considers how information literacy is practiced in the public library context, within prisons, or amongst the homeless community. I am keen to feed in my own insights, and learn from others on the committee.

What do you do in your committee role?

I have only just landed in the committee, but I will be feeding in to the conversations from a public library side of things, sharing some of the progress and challenges of information literacy within the public library sector.

What is your day job?

I am a Librarian for Islington libraries. My role is quite varied and includes user facing support, stock management, and providing outreach library services to the homeless community in Islington. A large part of public library work involves helping mediate information for library users, and provide support in decoding and realigning information for some library users. I previously worked in prison libraries for a number of years.

What are your other interests?

Like many librarians, I didn’t plan to be one. I originally studied Fine Art at Central Saint Martins, and continue to be an artist at heart. I also enjoy playing the piano, and being with my family in Brighton in my spare time.

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