Coffee Meeting

Meet the IL Website Team: Louise Minta

What is your role on the committee?

I am one of the newly appointed web editors of the IL website. The website editorial  team is a sub-group of the CILIP Information Literacy Group.

When did you join and why?

Louise Minta

I joined the team in April 2019, so am very much a newbie!  Having been in my current role of Liaison Librarian for almost a year I was ready for a new challenge, and the opportunity to join the web team came at the right time. I have a particular interest in developing librarians’ teaching skills and working with academics to integrate the teaching of information and digital literacy into the curriculum. I also enjoy a challenge and being pushed out of my comfort zone and so saw this as a way to learn something new, whilst enhancing existing skills.

What do you do in your role?

I have only been on the web team for about a month, so am exploring how I can take on an active role. I attended my first Web Editors’ meeting last week and have come away with plenty of actions to get me started! This week I have been sourcing items for the ILG website blog, and there has been talk of some html-based activity….

What is your day job?

I am the Liaison Librarian for Medicine and Dentistry at University of Liverpool. I teach information literacy skills to undergraduates, postgraduates, teaching staff and researchers, through embedded lectures and workshops, and also teach on the open KnowHow programme of workshops. In addition to this, I liaise with academic staff to ensure that library resources meet the needs of students.

What are your other interests?

I have two young “enthusiastic” children, so enjoy any opportunity for peace and quiet that may present itself! This rarely happens, so the majority of my time is spent in the park, rampaging in the countryside, or hanging out at the BMX track at the National Cycling Centre.

Hi! 👋

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