Meet the IL Group Committee: Rebecca Jones

What is your role?
I am the School Library Representative

When did you join and why?
I joined the committee because I am passionate about Information Literacy skills – it’s as simple as that! I believe that it is vital that pupils from Year R, in Reception through to Year 13, in the Sixth Form, benefit from Information Skills training and the opportunity to put these skills into to action in an authentic way. The committee has enabled me to see how the wider picture of IL skills relates to Further and Higher Education and then into the world of work. It represents the aspiration of ‘joined-up’ thinking and an awareness that understanding and using information in response to our own needs relates to all areas of our lives.

I feel privileged to be able to represent the perspective of schools and invite any school librarians to contact me with any ideas or questions.

What do you do in your committee role?
During my time as a committee member of ILG, I have been able to arrange specific training sessions for school librarians, facilitate ‘teach-meets’ involving schools and higher education and write for publication from a school perspective. I encourage school librarians to take part in the IL debate and publicise events to school library practitioners. I volunteer at the annual conference and chair sessions.

I attend meetings and contribute to debates from a school library perspective. I also develop materials and collaborate on initiatives – whatever is needed really.

What is your day job?
I work as the Learning Enrichment and Support Co-Ordinator at Malvern St James, an independent girls’ boarding school that is situated in Malvern, Worcestershire. Previously I have worked in a mixed comprehensive school in Nottinghamshire and also at the BRIT performing arts school in Croydon. In my current role, I manage the library, with the aid of my invaluable Assistant. I am also involved in the school’s Aspiration programme with More Able students and I manage the Learning Support Department. My work in school allows me to teach information literacy and independent learning skills throughout the curriculum from Year 5 through to teaching the Year 12 EPQ pupils. My day job is quite busy.

What are your interests outside of work?
I enjoy keeping fit and try to go to the gym regularly – my new favourite class is Metafit! I have taken up Tae Kwon Do, with my daughter, just for the fun of it. I am also trying to improve my ukulele skills. I enjoy cooking and producing baking ‘experiments’ which are sometimes successful. Otherwise I enjoy watching films (only good ones) and reading, although my repertoire consists mostly of teen books and there are some really great authors out there.

Interested in finding out more about IL in Schools? See our dedicated web page, written by Rebecca Jones.

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