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Meet the CILIP IL Group Committee: Pip Divall

What is your role on the committee?

I am the Health Sector Rep for the Information Literacy Group.

When did you join and why?

After attending LILAC for the first time in April 2017 (and following the conference via social media for some years previously), I felt I had found my people! When I heard that a representative from the Health sector was required, I was excited to see how I could get involved, bringing a perspective from the NHS. I joined the committee in September 2017.

What do you do in your role?

I’m hoping I’ll find out! I intend to bring a perspective from NHS libraries and librarians, while also making contacts with health librarians working in HE and the charity sector.

What is your day job?

Pip Divall, Health Sector Rep for ILG.

I’m the Clinical Librarian Service Manager at University Hospitals of Leicester NHS Trust. As well as managing a team of three Clinical Librarians, I also provide an evidence and outreach service to selected clinical teams within the hospital, including Anaesthesia, Gastroenterology, Musculoskeletal, Respiratory, Stroke and Surgery teams. I join the clinical staff at meetings and on the wards in order to bring the best available evidence on patient care to the bedside. As a part of my role, I am also responsible for the library training service in critical appraisal and literature searching. In addition to this, I lead on the Clinical Education Department’s “Teaching Improvement” train the trainers course.


What are your other interests?

I enjoy yoga and Pilates as a means of both keeping fit and relaxing. We’re now a rugby family, with both my daughter and son playing and my husband becoming the team coach, so my weekends are spent shouting encouragement on windy touchlines and washing muddy kit. I’m also known for having an obsession for perfume.

Find out more about the work of the CILIP Information Literacy Group.

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