We are pleased to let you know that the call for presentations for LILAC 2023 is now open. LILAC: The Information Literacy Conference will take place from 19-21 April 2023 at University of Cambridge.
LILAC welcomes proposals which address information literacy from all sectors and contexts. In 2023 we invite you to present on any aspect of information literacy, there are no specific themes. We ask that your presentation makes explicit reference to your innovative practice or research in information literacy.
There are several different types of presentation you can submit, including short/ long presentations, workshops, panel discussions, wildcards, and at LILAC 2023 we are also introducing TeachMeets & poster presentations. More information about all presentation types can be found on the LILAC website.
We recognise that preparing to write your conference abstract for a proposed presentation can be quite a daunting task, especially if you haven’t done it before. We are hosting a ‘Writing a conference presentation abstract for LILAC 2023’ workshop on Friday 14th October, 2-3pm BST (online). This workshop will explore the different types of presentations you can submit and what proposals for these should include. We will be showing some “best practice” guidance as well as answering pre-submitted questions from attendees. Find out more, and register, on the LILAC website.
LILAC is committed to encouraging diversity at the conference and we would specifically like to encourage proposals from members of the BAME community and other under-represented communities and sectors.
Deadline for proposals:
- Call for presentations opens: 6 October 2022
- Call for presentations deadline: 16 November 2022 (17:00 GMT)
- Notification of acceptance of abstracts: 16 December 2022
- Full presentation submission deadline: 30 March 2023
To submit a presentation you will need to register for an account, if you already have an account then you just need to login and go to ‘my account’ where you’ll see details of how to submit.
All submissions to the conference are anonymously peer reviewed before acceptance.
We look forward to receiving your submissions!
The LILAC Committee