LILAC 2018 continued yesterday at the University of Liverpool.
In the morning, Ola Pilerot, senior lecturer at the Swedish School of Library and Information Science (SSLIS), University of Borås, delivered a stimulating keynote speech on ‘Putting theory to work in practice: Unpacking information literacy with a conceptual toolbox from library and information science’. Ola considered the relationship between information literacy practice and research. He provided an overview of the various theoretical models in information literacy and explained how his information literacy practice has changed now that he is a researcher compared with when he was a librarian, but still sees a connection between the two.
The keynote was followed by a poster exhibition which led into parallel sessions. These covered a wide range of topics including embedded information literacy, flipping information literacy, and collecting feedback on information literacy sessions.
The CILIP Information Literacy Group Annual General Meeting was chaired by Jane Secker in the afternoon which was next followed by more parallel sessions. These covered topics including scholarly communication, developing critical thinking skills, bibliotherapy, teaching the next generation of information literacy educators, a teaching referencing masterclass, and integrating learning development with information literacy.
In the evening the conference dinner was held in spectacular surroundings – the crypt of Liverpool Metropolitan cathedral. The information literacy awards were presented and then all delegates enjoyed a three-course meal and a live band for entertainment and much dancing!
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See the full LILAC 2018 conference programme