The Journal of Information Literacy (JIL), the peer-reviewed open access journal published by the CILIP Information Literacy Group, is looking to appoint a new Managing Editor. This key role offers an excellent opportunity to support original information literacy research and to address the interests of diverse IL communities of practice.
The role holder works closely with the Editor-in-Chief to ensure the continuing success of the journal by leading the administration of the journal, co-ordinating publication schedules, and managing the operations of the editorial team. It is the Managing Editor who ensures that deadlines are met, so we need someone who is reliable, self-motivated and able to commit time to the journal throughout the year. The role is voluntary but very rewarding, working with a friendly, enthusiastic team and with opportunities to speak, if you wish, at workshops and conferences.
If you would like to be considered for this role, which is unpaid, please send a brief personal statement (no more than 500 words) indicating your ability to undertake the activities listed in the role description. Please send this personal statement, together with a CV, to The deadline for applications is Monday, 11th April 2016.
Feel free to get in touch with Cathie Jackson, the current role holder, or Dr Emma Coonan, the Editor-in-Chief, if you have any questions about the role.
Find out more about the Journal of Information Literacy