Palace of Westminster

Government response to ILG statement on role of librarians in online teaching

In July 2020, the CILIP Information Literacy Group released a statement relating to the role of library and knowledge specialists in moving education and training online. Nick Poole, Chief Executive of CILIP, subsequently wrote to the Universities Minister, Michelle Donelan, to draw her attention to this statement and to invite further discussion, A response has now been received, and is published below.

Letter from Nick Poole, Chief Executive of CILIP to Michelle Donelan, Minister of State for Universities

Dear Minister,

I am pleased to share with you a Position Statement issued today by the Information Literacy Group of the Chartered Institute of Library and Information Professionals (CILIP) highlighting the central role of librarians and knowledge specialists in supporting the transition to online teaching and learning in HE and the wider education sector following the disruption of COVID-19.

As you will be aware, Higher Education Institutions have had to make a rapid and comprehensive ‘digital pivot’ in recent months to support online teaching and learning.

HE and academic librarians and knowledge specialists have been at the forefront of this pivot, helping academic staff get to grips with collaboration tools, sourcing high-quality digital learning resources and helping students develop the skills and confidence they need to continue their learning online.

The statement is available from is accompanied by a range of Case Studies highlighting how our profession is helping the entire HE community face the ‘new normal’ with creativity and resilience.

We would be delighted to schedule a virtual meeting with you or a member of your team to provide any additional briefing or context to this statement, or any other information about the new role of librarians and knowledge specialists in delivering outstanding digital education.

Yours sincerely,

Nick Poole
Chief Executive Officer

Response from Michelle Donelan, Minister of State for Universities to Nick Poole, Chief Executive of CILIP

Michelle Donelan response to Nick Poole letter



























Full text of letter:

Dear Nick,

Thank you for your email of 31 July, sharing the Position Statement issued by the Information Literacy Group of the Chartered Institute of Library and Information Professionals. I am sorry for the delay in responding to you.

I would like to thank all library staff and knowledge specialists working in higher education (HE) for their hard work in responding to the unprecedented challenge that we currently face. I am grateful for their contribution in ensuring that students have been able to continue with their studies remotely.

We are committed to supporting our world-class institutions and will continue to work closely with the sector to manage the impact of COVID-19 and secure HE stability and sustainability.

I am also grateful for your kind offer of a virtual meeting to discuss these matters further. Unfortunately, due to heavy demands on my diary, I am unable to accept your kind invitation at this time.

Thank you once again for taking the time to write.

Yours sincerely,

Michelle Donelan MP
Minister of State for Universities

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