Funding available for Information Literacy training events

The CILIP Information Literacy Group is committed to supporting information literacy developments and events within all sectors of library and information science. Many sectors may not be able to access funding in a timely way to facilitate the provision of relevant IL training events required within their region.

The IL Group welcomes applications for sponsorship and can potentially offer:

Sponsorship of up to £500  – available for applicants to host information literacy events, e.g. where you may have to pay for speaker fees and/or travel and subsistence, refreshments, lunch, etc. for delegates.

Sponsorship of up to £250 – available for applicants to host LibTeachMeets, e.g. where you may have to pay for refreshments for delegates, or venue hire.

It is envisaged that the funding could sponsor any or all of the following:

  • Ÿ  Venue of event
  • Ÿ  Refreshments or lunch where required
  • Ÿ  Fees for speakers or facilitators of event
  • Ÿ  Travel expenses for speakers or facilitators of event

As part of the funding conditions, you would need to promote the sponsorship by the group and produce a short reflective article/blog post (approx 1000 words) about the event held. This should include highlights and outcomes from the event and can also include a summary of feedback. This would be uploaded to the Information Literacy website.

It is hoped that the funding offered through this application process will enable smaller institutions and organisations to develop and provide additional events that can support staff IL skills in the workplace. Where possible, funding received should enable an event to be held for free, making it accessible for all.

Applicants for funding are required to fill out a short application form (doc).

If you have any additional queries about applying for funding, please contact the IL Group Training Officer, Catherine McManamon. Email:

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