
Free Library TeachMeet: Employability and information/digital literacies

Free Library TeachMeet: Employability and information/digital literacies
Venue: Canterbury Christ Church University
Date/Time: Tuesday 16th July 2019, 10:00-15:00
Keynote speaker: David White, Head of Digital Learning, University of the Arts London

  • Do you currently embed employability within your teaching?
  • Are you struggling with how you can incorporate employability themes in your sessions?

If the answer is yes to either of the above, this is the TeachMeet for you!

As librarians, we develop students’ information and digital literacies. Something that is less explicit in our role is how we enhance student employability. Developing graduate attributes or professional skills are inescapable priorities within education and especially Higher Education.

Our TeachMeet offers you the chance to pilot and learn new teaching ideas, share successes and failures, while also meeting colleagues who face the same challenges.

You can take part in any of the following ways:

  • 20 minutes to present an idea, research or pilot an activity
  • 5-10 minute lightning talk to showcase an idea or activity
  • World café session where everyone can share their ideas, experiences or reflections on the day

Our keynote speaker, David White will talk about “Avoiding the skills trap: Reflections on using the UAL Digital Creative Attributes to design teaching and learning”. David’s research focuses on how individuals engage with the Web to support their learning. His best-known idea is a way of understanding individual’s motivations to engage online: “Visitors and Residents” https://www.arts.ac.uk/research/ual-staff-researchers/david-white#

The TeachMeet will take place in the historic city of Canterbury, in our award-winning building Augustine House where there will be the option of a library tour.

Email us at lynsey.blandford@canterbury.ac.uk with details of what you will share and your preference for a 20 minute talk/activity or a 5/10 minute lightning talk. It is an opportunity to try out ideas and make connections in a supportive environment, so please get in touch!

Refreshments and lunch will be provided.

Hi! 👋

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