IL in the arctic
Did you ever want to see the midnight sun? Do you enjoy a good IL conference experience? If so, you may be interested to know that UiT The Arctic University of Tromsø, in collaboration with NordINFOLIT (a Nordic IL forum), will host the tenth Creating Knowledge conference in Tromsø, Norway on June 4th-5th 2020.
The Creating Knowledge conference has biannually offered opportunities for higher education library staff to learn from, inspire, and support each other’s efforts to develop and integrate information literacy programs and learning support, in and across their institutions. For next year’s conference, we aim to offer an exciting and varied programme. We are thrilled that CILIP’s IL Group Chair, Jane Secker, has accepted our invitation to deliver one of the keynotes for the conference, and we sincerely hope that all of you will consider contributing, too. The Call for Papers is out, and we accept submissions on a variety of topics and session formats. Submissions close on November 29th.
The town of Tromsø (approximate population 71 000) is situated well above the arctic circle, on the coast of Norway. The town centre is on a small island, surrounded by beautiful, mountainous landscapes, straits and inlets. In June the sun never sets, and statistically, chances of decent weather are quite high.
Delegates from the Nordic countries are frequent and grateful visitors to international IL conferences, such as the excellent LILAC. With the tenth Creating Knowledge conference, we hope to offer something in return. We warmly welcome UK delegates!
Torstein Låg, UiT The Arctic University of Norway
interesting event
Ladies and Gentlemen:
We are a group of scholars and scientists working on cognitive learning platforms and learning management systems with IBM. We have only recently learned about your conference next year. Would it still be possible to submit an abstract for your review? Thank you very much for your kind consideration.
Dear Christian,
Thank you for your interest in the conference. It is being hosted independently to ILG so you would need to contact the organisers directly. The Conference website lists two contacts who you might like to get in touch with: Helene N. Andreassen: and Mariann Løkse:
Best wishes,
ILG Web Team