CoPILOT – Community of Practice for Information Literacy Online Teaching now formed

A new sub-group of the CILIP Information Literacy Group called CoPILOT (Community of Practice for Information Literacy Online Teaching) has been formed. The sub-group’s aim is to support and encourage the development and sharing of information literacy teaching materials as open educational resources, primarily within the UK.   The Group’s initial activities will be to establish an online space for the Community of Practice and to organise a training event on Creative Commons for those who deliver IL teaching.

If you’d like to keep up with the work of the group and perhaps join in, they have set up a:

  • Wiki at – if you are interested in contributing to the wiki, please contact Eleni Zazani ( and Ella Mitchell (e.mitchell@UEL.AC.UK).
  • Discussion list – – if you wish to join the IL-OERS mailing list please follow this link: and click on Subscribe (bryan).  You will be asked to register and then you will be able to join the list.
  • And you can follow them on Twitter: @CoPILOT2013

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