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CILIP Information Literacy Group committee vacancies

The CILIP Information Literacy Group have two exciting opportunities to join our team. We are recruiting for a new Training Officer, and a Further Education sector representative.

Applicants should have experience of committee work (not necessarily with CILIP), and be based in the UK. Applicants should be members of CILIP (or willing to join).

We particularly welcome applications from under-represented communities and sectors.

Read the role descriptions and person specifications below:

Applications should include the following:

  • Curriculum vitae
  • Personal statement detailing your experience and how you meet the person specification
  • Statement of support from your line manager.

Please send the above to by Friday, 14th February 2020.

Our outgoing Training Officer and FE Representative had the following to say about volunteering for these roles:

“The Training Officer role provides a fantastic opportunity to develop organisational and team working skills. It will give you experience of organising events from the planning to evaluation stages, skills which I have been able to put in place in my workplace when planning my own training events for staff and students, and when planning projects. You will also benefit from the support and enthusiasm of working with the training team. The work of the wider committee is always innovative and stimulating and will undoubtedly help you to keep up to date with the latest developments in information literacy practice.” – Catherine McManamon, outgoing Training Officer.

“I would highly recommend applying for the position of Further Education representative. It is a great opportunity for learning more about your own sector and putting it in the context of Information Literacy research. My professional practice has benefited from exposure to the latest developments and communities of praxis in the field of Information Literacy and I am able to make a valuable contribution back to Further Education. Joining the Information Literacy group, I never imagined the breadth of opportunities available and the inspirational practitioners I would meet.” – Anne-Lise Harding, outgoing FE Representative.

If you have any questions about the FE Rep role, please contact Anne-Lise Harding, For queries about the Training Officer vacancy, please contact co-Training Officer Andrew Walsh,

The closing date for applications is Friday, 14th February 2020. Successful applicants will be notified by 28th February 2020 and will be invited to our next committee meeting, which will take place on Monday 16th March 2020 at the CILIP offices in London.

We look forward to hearing from you!

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