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Call for volunteers: book review

The Journal of Information Literacy editorial board are seeking volunteers to write a review of the following book:

Teaching Information Literacy and Writing Studies: Volume 1, First-Year Composition Courses edited by Grace Veach.

The title explores leading approaches to foregrounding information literacy in first-year college writing courses, giving Librarians and writing professors the ability to collaborate with students to give them the skills and habits they will need to succeed in today’s world of information.

JIL book reviews are usually 750-1,000 words long and the submission deadline for this review is the end of September. Successful reviewers get to keep the book.

If you’d like to volunteer please send a one sentence statement explaining your role and interests to jinfolit@gmail.com by 12:00 on Friday 3rd August.

JIL is an international, peer- reviewed journal that aims to investigate information literacy in all its forms to address the interests of diverse IL communities of practice. JIL welcomes contributions that push the boundaries of IL beyond the educational setting and examine this phenomenon as a continuum between those involved in its development and delivery and those benefiting from its provision. JIL has an average acceptance rate of 44% for articles submitted to the journal.

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