Apply for a bursary place at CILIP Conference 2016 

The CILIP Information Literacy Group is offering a free bursary place at this year’s CILIP Conference, which will be held in Brighton on July 12-13, 2016.

CILIP conference logo






Applicants must be members of the CILIP IL Group. Each bursary place includes travel expenses, a complimentary place on both days of the conference, lunch, refreshments and all sessions. It also includes one night’s accommodation at the Ibis Hotel on Tuesday, 12th July and attendance at the drinks reception on Brighton Pier that evening.

Guidelines for writing your personal statement
  1. Your personal statement should be 400-800 words
  2. Your application should be clearly presented and a formal expression of why you wish to attend the conference
  3. You should reflect on what you think will be the specific benefits/knowledge that you hope to gain from attending the conference
  4. You should reflect on what you think you will learn and how this new knowledge will help with your professional IL development, or how you intend to use your conference experience on returning to your home institution (e.g. how it will link back to your role.)
  5. Have you shown your commitment to information literacy?
  6. Explain why you need funding and/or your institution cannot pay for you to attend the conference
  7. Demonstrate your understanding that, as part of the funding conditions, you will need to promote the sponsorship of the CILIP Information Literacy Group and produce a report for the group within two months of the event. (Please note: The report will be published on this website and may also be submitted to the Journal of Information Literacy, if appropriate. See JIL author guidelines. The JIL editor reserves the right to request revisions/decline the submission.)

To request an application form, or if you have any questions about your personal statement, please contact the ILG training team member Allison Jones. The deadline for applications is Friday, 15th April, 2016.

Applications/expense forms and receipts should be sent to Allison Jones:, Tel: 01267 676783

Visit the CILIP Conference 2016 website

Follow the conference on Twitter: #CILIPConf16 

Find out how to join the CILIP Information Literacy Group

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