Location:  Manchester Metropolitan University New Business School: room 1.22. Near All Saints park   (off Oxford Rd)

Date: Monday 13th May 2013   10.00 – 4pm (9.30 registration)

Cost: Free; refreshments (including lunch sponsored by the CILIP IL group) will be provided.

Event outline: The CILIP Information Literacy Group are pleased to announce a joint training session with the NoWAL consortium on the theme of IL. The day includes an opportunity for librarians in the North West to hear from the winners of the Information Literacy Practitioner of the Year award. James Fraser, at Cumbria University, will be talking about the library’s work which led to Kim McGowan being named IL Practitioner of the year, and the runner up for this year’s award, Michelle Schneider will be presenting about the Leeds@Library pages which won the 2012 Credo Reference Digital Award for IL.

Alongside the practitioner talks are two talks that proved hugely popular at this year’s LILAC: Antony Osborne talking about the work done with nursing students at Huddersfield University and Rosie Jones discussing the wider remit of the University of Manchester’s Learning Commons. Throughout the day there will be the chance to discuss good practice with other delegates and reflect upon bringing the work done elsewhere back to your home institutions. The day will also provide an important networking opportunity and a chance to explore the feasibility for future collaborative working partnerships.


  • Introduction & IL ice-breaker (Emily Shields, Deputy Library Services Manager, MMU)
  • IL scene-setting and the MMU Perspective (David Matthews, Library Services Manager, MMU)
  • Leeds@Library webpages (Michelle Schneider, Academic Skills Development Officer, Leeds University)
  • Learning from the learners: the student voice in information literacy (Antony Osborne, Academic Librarian, University of Huddersfield)
  • Group discussion, flipchart activity concerning IL good practice (Emily Shields, MMU)
  • The work behind the IL Practitioner of the year award (James Fraser, Senior Learning Adviser, University of Cumbria)
  • Supporting research online@MMU: Information Literacy, Digital Literacy and Employability themes (Nicola Beck, Senior Assistant Librarian, MMU)
  • Not just a pretty face: putting the learning into the Learning Commons (Rosie Jones, Learning Commons Development Manager, University of Manchester)
  • Plenary & close (David Matthews, MMU)

As a result of attending this session participants will have a greater understanding of how information literacy is pursued from different perspectives and universities and have some tips, good practice and ideas to take back to their own institution.

Who should attend: Library staff involved in teaching information literacy or digital literacy and anyone with an interest in this topic

BOOKING: Please discuss with your line manager at your home institution before completing the IL Group IL session form and returning it to:  Jayne Evans to book your place.

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