
JSC 2018: From digital literacy to independent learning

Bookings are now being taken for the first JCS conference on Friday 30th November 2018 at Aston University (Conference Aston), the theme of which is: From Digital Literacy to Independent Learning: challenges and opportunities for librarians and teachers. Dr Jane Secker, Chair of the CILIP Information Literacy Group, will be one of the keynote speakers at the event.

JCS Conference 2018JSC’s introduction to the event: “Digital literacy skills are becoming increasingly essential for learning, employment and citizenship. It is often assumed that young people are already digitally literate, but research proves otherwise. Take a look at some of the articles, journals, blogs and research we have collected over the years that illustrate this. Educators and librarians have a crucial role to play in guiding and supporting their students to think critically about digital technologies and the opportunities and risks they present.

“For this conference, JCS brings together experts in the field of digital literacy, school and university librarians, school leaders, and providers of authoritative sources to share their knowledge and good practice in supporting the challenges and opportunities for school librarians and teachers in an increasingly complex and digitised world.”

In her keynote, Jane Secker will discuss the terms digital literacy and information literacy and the way in which these skills, values and behaviours underpin lifelong learning. Jane will talk about the need to embed digital and information literacies in curriculum within schools and their importance for success at higher education, in the workplace and as life skills that we all need. She will also discuss the new CILIP Definition of Information Literacy. Jane will draw on her experiences working with academic staff as a Senior Lecturer in Educational Development at City University, and her previous experience as the Copyright and Digital Literacy Advisor at the London School of Economics, where she worked for 15 years, supporting staff and students. Read the full abstract of Jane’s talk.

Jane will also be running a workshop at the conference on “Using images in teaching – what you need to know about copyright” with Chris Morrison, Copyright and Licensing Compliance Officer, University of Kent. Other conference speakers on information literacy and digital literacy topics include Sarah Pavey, Independent Consultant & Trainer, and Elizabeth Hutchinson, Head of the Schools’ Library Service, Guernsey.

Find out more about the JCS 2018 Conference

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