Introducing the LILAC Lagadothon – new for 2016!

Have an information literacy product you are eager to test? Or one you’ve already tried but you feel needs improvement? The Librarians’ Information Literacy Annual Conference (LILAC) in Dublin on 21-23 March 2016 will include a new opportunity to get feedback and ideas from your peers in a series of exciting speed round showcases. Whether it’s is a new IL card game or a pop-up book, you are encouraged to bring your prototypes (no matter how rough they are!) so that participants can experience your ideas.

How does it work?

The Lagadothon involves multiple showcases, with presenters giving concurrent 10 minute demonstrations to small groups of delegates (7 minutes for the showcase and 3 minutes for feedback). These give you the chance to show your prototypes and gather feedback and ideas for improvement. After each 10 minute presentation, delegates will move on to hear a new idea. Presenters must be prepared to deliver their 10 minute session multiple times!

At the end of the demonstrations, delegates and the LILAC judges will vote for the idea they feel is most worthy of investment. The CILIP Information Literacy Group will offer expert advice and award £500 towards the further development of the prototype judged to have the most potential.

More about the Lagadothon

Your idea/product should be ready for beta testing by the start of LILAC 2016, although it is not essential that you have already tested it with an audience. Suitable ideas/products will support information literacy in any sector, and it is envisaged that your prototype will be made available for the benefit of the wider IL community. The winner will be announced during the conference round up on Wednesday, March 23rd.

Your Submission

Title: describe/summarise your product.

Description: explain how your prototype will work in 500 words or less. Alternatively, your submission could take the form of a short video presentation (3 mins maximum – please provide us with the link).

Short statement: outline how you envisage the prototype might be developed further should you be awarded £500 (250 words or less).

All proposals will be refereed before being selected for inclusion in the conference. Please note that an accepted presentation is not the same as a conference delegate booking. Lagadothoners will still be required to book a place at this year’s conference. A discount is available to presenters – full details can be found on the LILAC booking page.


Send your submissions to by Friday, November 27th, 2015 (17:00 GMT).

More information about the Librarians’ Information Literacy Annual Conference (LILAC), including how to book your place

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